How to remove stubborn Holi colours from skin and hair

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Pre-Holi Oil Application Apply coconut or olive oil on skin and hair to prevent colour staining.

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Gentle Cleansingn  Use a mild shampoo and a gentle soap to wash off colours without harsh scrubbing.

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Hydrating Face Pack Apply a hydrating face pack made from natural ingredients to soothe the skin.

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Lemon Juice for Stains  Rub lemon juice on stained areas to lighten colour marks gently.

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Hair Conditioning Deep condition your hair post-wash to restore moisture and shine.

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Avoid Hot Water Use lukewarm water for washing to prevent colour from setting in.

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Cucumber to Soothe  Use cucumber slices to soothe skin irritation or redness.

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Moisturize Vigorously Rehydrate your skin with a good moisturizer to combat dryness.